S Square Limited Apps

Fung Shui Lopan Compass 1.0
S Square Limited
This app is designed by Lopanthan which is thesuccession of the Thomson House established by Mr. Ricky Than MongMin (which is a genuine professional lopan manufacturer).Eight Major Functions:01. Electronic Compass02. With Crosshairs, leveling and precision in survey andmeasurements03. Supports manual input of direction or location of gates anddoors in degrees.04. Supports Periods of Seven, Eight and Nine.05 Analysis of the pattern, according to "Three Yuan and NinePeriods"06. Detailed explanation and layout recommendations on "EightMansions Method".07. Detailed explanation and application of "Gua and Yao Method"Annually detailed explanation of Gua and Yao's Gold-Division.08. Detailed explanation and application of "Three HarmonyMethod"09. Detailed explanation and application of "Five Ghost WealthDelivery Method" with illustrated diagrams.10 Detailed explanation and application of "Eight Evils NetherworldMethod" with illustrated diagrams.11 Twenty Eight Constellation (adjustment of the Open-Jubileesitting angle of Gold-Division)12 Auxiliary Star Water Method (Dragon-Gate Eight-SetsMethod)13 "Flying- Star Faction" Flying- Star Method for Periods One toNine.
兒童左腦開發 1.0